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Sue's newly redesigned Swag Bag is back by popular demand! Bigger, brighter and bolder than ever!
Size: 11" x 7"
Fabric requirements:Fabrics for Bag: Fat 1/8 Lagoon Hand Dyed Wool for background - 11-1/2" x 15"Green striped cotton fabric for overlay on bottom of bag - 11-1/2" x 5-1/2"Two polka dot cotton fabric pieces for overlay vertical stripe on bag - 3" x 5"Cotton for lining - 11-1/2' x 15"Cotton for batting - 11-1/2" x 15" Green cotton for zipper binding - 2" x 30" Circle Appliqué Hand Dyed Wools: Spring Leaf Hand Dyed Wool - 6" x 6" Amazon Green Hand Dyed Wool - 4-1/4" x 4-1/4" Electric Lime - 3" x 3"Embellishments:12" Exotic bird on yellow ribbon12" Blue flower wheel on green ribbon24" Turq/green stems ribbonEleganza Pearle Cotton:#5 EZ36#5 EZM08#5 EZM21Notions:12" blue/green zipper #24 Chenille and #18 Chenille needle#1 Milliners needleInvisiFil thread to blend with ribbon50/50 wool thread to match the hand dyed wool circles
6" Embroidery Hoop - we used our favorite 5" Morgan No Slip Hoop!Tulip Assorted Embroidery NeedlesAppliqué PinsKai 5-1/2" Scissors